Archives for posts with tag: occupySCF

THE WORD OF THE DAY :    “Shanti Sena!” (Shahn-tee See-Na)

“Shanti Sena” is a term first coined by Gandhi when he conceptualized a nonviolent volunteer peacekeeping program dedicated to minimizing communal violence within the Indian populace. The words “Shanti” and “Sena” both come from Sanskrit. Shanti means peace and Sena means army, or a drilled band of men. The word “Sena” has been criticized for its connection to militarism, but for Gandhi, it had strong metaphorical and spiritual qualities connected to its use in the Hindu vedas.

The Shanti Sena or “Peace army” was made up of Gandhi‘s followers in India. Its non-violent methods have been adopted by other movements such as the World Peace Brigade, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Swaraj Peeth and the Rainbow Family of Living Light


We all know 100% is not a number between 1%-99%

We are urging our community leaders, local organizations, political leaders and families to support OccupySCF (South Central Farm) immediately. We wish to hold candle light vigils in solidarity with OccupyLA so we may start occupying the land as soon as possible 99ers need water.

We must encourage everyone not just our 99ers of OccupyLA to sit at the most logical location today Los Angeles’ Urban Garden.

The South Central Farm is the largest urban garden in the United States of America. It is responsible for the development and creation of thousands of Urban Gardens throughout the nation. Urban Farms will slow down the frantic fickle mindsets into a more balanced way of life that has been proven to work. Right now there are a couple of small family owned taco stand/fruit carts patiently waiting for the hungry concerned citizens that wish to occupy the Garden.

Join us in making an honest collective that the Youth of Los Angeles can both own AND believe in.

We will be holding a candlelight vigil

here are directions to the Farm from OccupyLA Los Angeles’ City Hall !


United Way 2011 HOME WALK


Kobe Bryant

LA Labor Federation

Wait…. Wells Fargo?!!!

………………………………………………………………………         Well how do ya like that for irony?

Event Information

Saturday, November 19, 2011 

Exposition Park
700 Exposition Park Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90037

Registration Opens: 7:00am
Opening Program: 8:30am
Run/Walk Begins: 9:00am

Minors (under 18) are free.